Soul Support Systems

Soul Support Systems image

Founder and Executive Director
of Soul Support Systems


Flo began her spiritual work in 1979, while studying meditation, intuitive messaging, and energetic healing as part of a two-year program at the Patricia Hayes School of InnerSense Development. Training in inner sense awareness and subsequent experiences with metaphysics, when combined with her nursing career, offered opportunities for Flo to marry the two disciplines and birthed her career as a Holistic Health Trainer and Practitioner.

For 15 years Flo created classes and workshops, studied and taught modalities such as Therapeutic Touch and Reiki, and developed her own unique methods of energy healing. In 1994, Flo then created Soul Support Systems, a 501C3 not-for-profit organization, established in 1994 in Vermont, USA.

Soul Support provides methods for training healing practitioners while also offering practical ways for clients and students to experience their spirit.

The programs of Soul Support Systems educate adults and children in ways to further peace and cooperation, train facilitators in spiritually-based, non-religious, unifying group and individual education, and assist individuals and families in times of transition and challenge.

Soul Support Systems has developed programs to bring the promise of humanity into the world with proven methods to connect to and access the soul’s purpose and foundation. Flo developed and teaches four major healing processes: HeartThreadSMThe Accelerated Thinking ProcessSM, Circuitry AlignmentSM , and Soul RecognitionSM,

These are the Principles of Soul Support Systems

  • Inherent within us is a Seed of Light that carries our essence, potential and the blueprint of our soul’s calling.
  • Connecting with our blueprint makes it possible to give our true gift to the world.
  • Making a bridge between the inner world of our potential and its expression in the world is the focus of Soul Support Systems.
  • New human family and social systems evolve from listening to the dream within us.
  • The heart and technology together bring forth the seeds of a new world.
  • By building our individual strands of consciousness we are stronger in who we are and what we bring.
  • What we experience guides us to recreate ourselves according to our inner knowing instead of our outer conditioning.
  • Witnessing the deep inner journey of others and having our journeys witnessed is essential for the building of true community.
  • We are here to live our purpose and share our dream.
  • All that we need is within us and finding it is our journey.
  • Creating together makes life exciting and gives us a chance to live cooperatively.
  • Witnessing others struggles offers us a mirror for our own self-growth.
  • Sharing pain lightens it and strengthens our togetherness.
  • Building community strengthens families and society.
  • Shelving beliefs and differences stimulates creativity and births new models.
  • We’re all in this together. What happens to any of us happens to all of us.
  • We have a soul connection with all life which is a key to oneness.
  • Living our oneness brings honoring, respect and peace.
  • As we remember and live in oneness, we accept all peoples.
  • When we stop separating, there is no separation.


Contact Flo for more information.