1-1 Sessions with Flo

Flo offers a comprehensive approach to integrating and aligning your ultimate purpose, optimal health and spiritual awareness. Together you will determine which approaches best suit your needs. Each modality addresses the mind, emotion, body or spirit.

Individual sessions are positive and uplifting and you can benefit in many ways from modalities which help you by:
- Opening and balancing the energy centers in the body to relax and support health and well-being.
- Clarifying health concerns and directing an individual toward the issues that contribute to their conditions or present diagnosis.
- Assisting in more fully understanding patterns and agreements in relationships.
- Giving in-depth information about the purpose of this lifetime.
- Clarifying work and vocational challenges and questions.
- Giving guidance and direction.
- Assisting in the resolution of conflict.
Reading of the Akashic Record providing guidance, understanding and context for this lifetime with The Ones With No Names:
“These life-changing sessions have brought clarity, hope, and inspiration to thousands of people through Flo Magdalena since The Ones “arrival” in 1986.”
The Ones With No Names are a group of amorphous beings who have never been in a physical body. They are dedicated to the unfolding of the innate design of order and truth that is inherent in life and being here on Earth. A reading with them is literally the reading or your “record” and provides an opportunity to hear through language and energy, the patterns and purpose or calling of your life energy, and to understand more about who you are and why you have come. The Ones provide a context for this life in relationship with your ongoing soul experiences throughout time.
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Each person has a unique energy pattern that provides a basis for response, yearning, and action. Knowing consciously what this pattern is and how it affects your life system is helpful in understanding dis-ease, life work, relationships, and the full awareness of your work and design here. The reading assists you to utilize your fullest physical, mental, and emotional energies as a spiritual and physical being.
We will bring you pertinent information about where you are in your incarnation, what you came to do, what tools you planned to use to create your potential and live your mission, and what patterns are affecting you. You will receive a meditation, visualization, and/or affirmation to assist in bringing the energies together.
Contact Flo at 802-722-9554 for an appointment or use my Contact Page Here
Accelerated Thinking ProcessSM
Map Your Mind & Change Your Life!
Connecting with the “Quantum Leap” Capacity of Your Right Brain increases intelligence, allays emotional fears and moves you fully into your power, purpose and intention.Synch the left and right sides of your brain for easier learning and enhanced attention and focus.
A new optional but highly suggested component of the sessions with The Ones, called The Accelerated Thinking ProcessSM is now offered as an addition to your reading. ATP describes your Thought Wave FormSM and maps how you think, where and how you access your creativity, spontaneity, and grace, as well as where in your left-brain you get “stuck.”
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Your Thought Wave provides easy and clear ways for you to bring the right and left hemispheres together. Seeing your map answers questions you may have about why you fear certain situations or people, or react strongly in ways that do not support your freedom, expansion, or uniqueness. You can then live a balanced and creative life without the conditioning and limitations of the linear, dualistic world stopping the flow of your inspiration and the bringing of your gifts.
Another benefit of seeing and understanding your Thought Wave is that you can then more fully utilize the guidance offered from The Ones about your potential without left-brain ideas and beliefs about your abilities, readiness, or resources, re-interpreting the guidance or stopping the flow of your magnificence!
The time for just the “reading” session is about 1½ hours. The Ones will speak with you and “read” your record, and then you can ask questions when they have completed their communication about your purpose and life here. If you are also scheduling a ATP mapping, Flo will provide that for you first through email and/or fax, so that you have access to it before your reading time. (Your ATP will be typed and sent to you prior to your appointment.) 45-60 minutes additional time will be included in your phone or in person time with Flo to discuss and integrate the mind-mapping.
Total time for both the reading and the mapping is about 2 ½ hours.
Contact Flo at 802-722-9554 for an appointment or use my Contact Page Here
Circuitry AlignmentSM
Circuitry AlignmentSM is a one-to-two hour experience that connects the original blueprint or signature of your design (your purpose in this lifetime) to your soul seed (the point of access of the soul in the body). It is an individual, gentle energy experience to expand and integrate your unique vibration into your cells and body as light and energy. You feel more congruent, more authentic, stronger and more able to make choices in your life that support your essential or natural “self.”
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What happens in a Circuitry AlignmentSM session?
These sessions are one-to-two hour experiences that can be held in person, or long distance sessions are possible on the phone. Once you have made contact with Flo and a time is set to do the session, a booklet is sent to you before the session so you can prepare. The booklet (purchased for $15.00) gives information and meditations to support the experience before, during and after your session.
During the session Flo will energetically and etherically open your blueprint and then gently touch your clothed body (or imagine doing so if the session is a long-distance session) on your head, the back of your neck, your shoulders, the center of your chest and stomach, your hips, legs and feet. These points are known to assist in the grounding of your pattern into the cells of the body.
You are also taught how to refresh your Circuitry AlignmentSM so that you can continue to deepen this connection between the original and actual pattern you carry indefinitely. After the completion of the process you rest and integrate the pattern until you feel ready to move about.
Contact Flo at 802-722-9554 for an appointment or use my Contact Page Here
HeartThreadSM Author Your Reality From Your Heart
When the heart feels safe there are amazing and deep shifts that occur without processing or analyzing. There is just movement in the body, emotion, mind and heart that frees the spirit!
HeartThreadSM is a simple and direct way to touch into and shift long-term patterns held in the body. These patterns form the structure of our lives physically, mentally, and emotionally. As these patterns are made conscious, the energy system opens, releasing constriction in the body and mind.
HeartThreadSM brings clarity and understanding of physical patterns affecting behavior and belief systems, which determine our approach to life. Through conscious awareness of our patterns, shifts occur in the body/mind/emotion/spirit, allowing us to live without restriction and fear, and opening pathways for us to create the ease and grace that we desire in our bodies, emotion, mind, and spirit.
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Creating a Heart Link
A heart link is created between the “practitioner” and recipient. This connection extends beyond the room and links together all life forms that comprise the living weave of creation. It can even be done over the phone!
It is a “place” in consciousness where one experiences a unified field based on oneness. In this “place”, we transcend our feelings of separation and isolation.
Contact Flo at 802-722-9554 for an appointment or use my Contact Page Here
Soul RecognitionSM
Inspired by the teachings of Mary Magdalene, Soul RecognitionSM is a profound, and life-changing experience that takes us on an inner journey to reunite with our soul’s essence. Held in a field of unconditional love, you journey inward to clarify your life, purpose, gifts, dreams, and yearnings.
Find out more about Soul RecognitionSM here…
Contact Flo at 802-722-9554 for an appointment or use my Contact Page Here
Spiritual Guidance and Coaching
Coaching sessions offer direction, guidance and problem-solving in the following areas: balancing creation with survival; understanding the karma of relationships; fully living your potential and activating your energetic awareness to catalyze your life experience, your physical and emotional health, and to promote balance and grace in your experience.
Read more about Spiritual Guidance & Coaching here…
Contact Flo at 802-722-9554 for an appointment or use my Contact Page Here