Talks and Seminars

Talks and Seminars

Flo regularly present talks and seminars in North America and the UK on different aspects of soul-full living, giving people the opportunity to connect with and live from the soul. Talks are experiential, vital, and assist us to clarify our direction and intention. Below are some of the topics. For more information call us at (802) 722-9554 or go to our News and Events page.

The Heart of Magdalene and the Divine Mother

prog_divine_motherThe lineage of the Goddess as experienced through Mary Magdalene, brings us into direct connection with the stream of creation through the Great Mother consciousness. Through this stream is a direct link with all that we have come to contribute to the world, individually, and all that is needed to balance the world, collectively.

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Connecting directly with the Great Mother brings us a deeper place of safety and security, and opens our awareness to embody all that we are. Join us to ground this connection with The Great Mother, through words and understandings brought by the essence of Mary Magdalene.

To find out where and when the next Heart of Magdalene and the Divine Mother talk will be taking place, please visit our News and Events page.


Moving Through Chaos with Grace

progthumb_cooperationUnderlying all life systems is the rhythm and cadence of order. Generated from the feminine stream of substance, order stabilizes our body, emotion, mind and spirit. The Great Mother brings this ancient stream to us now, and offers to restore this order within us.

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As we experience her presence, we return to the womb of creation and remember our origin as light. Flo Magdalena will channel The Great Mother and bring the experience of original order to us.

To find out where and when the next Moving Through Chaos with Grace talk will be taking place, please visit our News and Events page.


William Marshall – The Light Magnificent and the The Power of Grace

William Marshall - The Power of Grace and the Light Magnificent

“Inspiring, opening, enlightening and powerful.” You’ll love it! In this experience, we call forth our innate and deeply held wisdom and focus on our personal design for this lifetime. As we unify with our purpose and our conscious intention, we awaken our unique vibration.

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William Marshal, who lived between 1169-1219, has been called ‘The Greatest Knight that Ever Lived’. Regent to King John and advisor to four English kings, William has long been a revered figure in British history.

William appeared to the group journeying on a Soul Support sponsored trip to France in April 2010. He brought a message through Flo Aeveia about the use of grace in our lives and relationships. He also revealed what he calls THE LIGHT MAGNIFICENT, an inspired, easily understood method for transforming conflict and bringing peace.

Those connecting with William have experienced a definite shift in abilities, focus, intention, and presence. He is a marvelous teacher who connects with everyone and offers support as we navigate through life’s waters. Having been a soldier, he is down-to-earth, practical, strong, and states the intention to assist us in holding our soul steady in this chaotic time.

Join us for this evening talk to discover how to utilize grace in your life and learn how to create what is most important to you using The Light Magnificent and the The Power of Grace.

Flo Magdalena brings messages that foster balance and peace, and provide guidance for these changing times.

To find out where and when the next ‘William Marshall event will be taking place, please visit our News and Events page.


Opening the Matrix of our Soul


“Inspiring, opening, enlightening and powerful.” Call forth your innate and deeply held wisdom and focus on your personal design for this lifetime. As we unify with our purpose and our conscious intention, we awaken our unique vibration.

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We then distill and clarify how to live more fully in the world, contribute what we have longed to share, and bring forth the resources and connections to make it all work together. As we remember the original design of union and oneness and open our Soul’s matrix, we embody a stronger field of union and oneness. For those who have experienced Circuitry AlignmentSM, we further expand, integrate and ground our vibration of light into our cells and bodies.

To find out where and when the next ‘Opening the Matrix of our Soul event will be taking place, please call us at (802) 722-9554 or visit our News and Events page.
